
Hello, welcome to my blog! Happy to have you here !


                                                                          - TARVA3T N TAKUCT - Celebrated in January 12 (equivalent to the 1st of yennayer in Amazigh calendar), Yennayer is one of the most famous non-religious traditions in north Africa.   It stands for hope, rejuvenation, power, joy and sympathy. What does “yennayer” mean? It is composed of two words: “yan”: which means the beginning, and “ayuur” which means a month. When combined together, yennayer mean the first month, or the beginning of the year. The story behind this celebration was when a great Amazigh king named “Chachnaq” won a war over Egyptian emperor in 950 BC who was considered, at that time one of the most powerful, yet unbeatable emperors of Egypt. The victory marked a beginning of a new era where the Amazigh kingdom got expanded all over north Africa and in other countries of southern Europe. Since then, the 12 th of January of each year is dedicated to commemorate a new era of change and power.

Train Your Mind Like You Train Your Body

People have strong intentions to change their attitude and behavior but hesitate and slip back into their  comfort zone  and claim “it is too hard” or "I'm not ready yet" because they're scared of the unknown, therefore they remain the same, with unhealthy habits and unachieved goals, never getting in touch with their greatness. But what we're unaware of is that changing a life starts with changing our perception and perspective of it. It requires a lot of hard work, dedication, and consistency. But when you stick to it, you can make it work no matter how complicated it seems to be. As long as you're committed to it, you'll give what it takes to happen. Your success is based on your ability to change your thoughts. Your brain is the most powerful blessing you've got. It works non-stop, analyses, thinks and takes decisions. However, it works like a double-edged sword. If you use it wisely, it can get you to the top of the world. On the contrary, if you

Good habits to build in 2023

Introduction: All right. 2023 comes to an end. It has been a crazy year for everyone. To Some of us, 2022 was the year of growth and crazy experiences, and for others it was just another ‘average’ year just like all the previous ones. For the first type of people, they got to try out new things and got out of their comfort zones to discover themselves and grow their skills and feed their knowledge. They took risks, and made mistakes, and went through ups and downs, but at the end, if you ask them about how they felt overall, they’ll be grateful for those experiences and decisions because it shaped their future, shifted their perspective on life and made them better people. While for the second type, nothing changed in their lives. Everything remained the same after 365 days. They still are negative, find excuses to justify their failure and sometimes blame other people and circumstances for their misery. They still waste their time on social media comparing themselves to others

Santa Cruz - Oran

* Discalimer: For instant translation, please go to the top left sidebar and select "translate". All the upcoming information had been collected from online websites and trusted ressources; They have all been reviewed to insure their credibility and correctness.* SANTA CRUZ Location : @walid_ddn    C onsidered one of the most visited tourist places in Oran,  The Fort of Santa Cruz, also known in French as " Le Fort De Santa Cruz" is a magnificent stone colossus rising to the top of the mountain of Aïdour, west of Oran and dominating the entire city, El Bahia, because of its high position ( 429 meters above sea   level ).  Drone & passion photographie Algérie /  Synergie Verticale History :                                                                                 @damiz_17 The fort of Santa Cruz was erected in the second half of the sixteenth century by the Spaniards who were trying to oppose the Ottomans. The latter, who had invaded and brought down the

Learn Any Language In Less Than a Year...

 Guten tag ! welcome or welcome back to my blog!  I've been getting considerable questions about learning and speaking languages, and since it's one of my fave activities to do, II dedicate this blog post to  share my journey  in speaking languages with you ;). Learning a foreign language is  discovering a new culture  and getting into a whole new vibe, but still  a bit challenging . It might seem fun and exciting at the beginning when learning small sentences and greeting expressions and then it starts to get a little complicated when things get bigger and more more serious, and that's one of the main reasons people give up before they even start.  Despite the difficulties, the multi-language acquisition is rapidly growing in popularity around the world and bilingualism is becoming more of a highly-desired resume addition. The fact is that learning a new language is a whole journey that requires effort, commitment, and daily practice. Trust me, You don't have to spend

Time Management Strategies : How to beat Time ?

We all get the same 24 hours per day – So why do some people seem to achieve more with their time than others? The answer is: good time management. Time management is the process of planning how to divide your time between different activities to get more done in less time. A habit we train ourselves to be more productive throughout the day, avoid distractions and work effectively even under high pressure. But Being busy isn't the same as being effective. In fact, for many people, the busier they are, the less they achieve. The highest achievers manage their time exceptionally well. There is no actual secret, but to adopt a time management strategy that works best for you depending on your personality, ability to self-motivate, and level of self-discipline.  How you use that time depends on skills learned through self-analysis, planning, evaluation, and self-control. Much like money, time is both valuable and limited. It must be protected and used wisely. Good time  management   Po